Once Upon a Time Wiki
This article or section is in need of serious revision.
You can help out the Once Upon a Time Wiki by adding or updating to the article, correcting grammar and spelling issues, and taking other steps to make the article great. If you need any help, please see our policies.
Reason: Expansion

This page will serve as a resource for frequently asked questions about the wiki's policies.

General Wikia Questions

What determines an article's name?

  • Generally, the Wikia uses the name given in ABC's press release for article names. This creates a solid standard for articles names that would be otherwise chaotic. In cases were actors are credited using a generic name rather than two counterpart names, the character articles also use the corresponding world in their title. Examples: "Granny (Storybrooke)", "Dopey (Enchanted Forest)".


How are images named?

  • A properly named image helps the Wiki stay consistent and makes images easier to work with. The naming formula is as follows:
    • Episode stills: "XYYZZZZZZZ.ext", where "X" is the season of the episode, "YY" is the episode number, and "ZZZZZ" is a brief description. ("ext" is the file's extension type)
    • Actor or crew infobox images: "InfoboxYZ.ext", where "Y" is the intiail of the first name, and "Z" is the initial of the last name. In cases where there is an existing image with the individual's initials, please also include the second letter of the first and last names.
    • Story infobox images: "InfoboxZZZZZZZ.ext", where "ZZZZZ" is the name of the story.

How can I change an infobox image?

  • To change an infobox image, nominate an existing, properly named image in the comments section of the article (please, do not put the photo in the comment, just link to it). You may nominate more than one photo in the same comment. Once this is done, five votes for one image are required to make a change. (Utilize this forum thread to help get users voting!) Please not that once five votes are reached and the image is changed, the comment thread will be deleted.



Why was my edit altered/removed?

  • Generally, users do not need permission to add, remove, or alter content on the site. However, all users should understand that all edits are subject to be changed by others. Someone may edit for grammar, to comply with the Wiki's style standards, or remove information they feel does not belong.

Blocks and Bans

