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This page is the transcript for "Nothing to Fear". Feel free to correct any errors. If you need any help, please see our policies.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. The bottle currently containing the Knave of Hearts travels down a waterfall and into a stream below, tossing and turning. The bottle finally comes to a stop on some rocks, where it is discovered by Lizard. Curious, she picks it up, opens it, and in a mist of red smoke and sand, Knave appears. She promptly embraces him.

Lizard: Will?!
Knave: Lizard? I thought you were dead.
Lizard: I thought you were stone. What were you doing in there?
Knave: Long story, involves magic. Even if I understood it—which I don't—I definitely don't have time to explain it. (He proceeds to start to walk away. Lizard runs after him.)
Lizard: You're leaving?
Knave: Last I saw, Alice and Cyrus were in real trouble. I have to make sure they're safe.
Lizard: But you just got here.
Knave: I know. We'll catch up later. I've got to—
Lizard: Will, wait! (Knave is immediately propelled backward in front of Lizard; much to both of their confusion. What just happened? (Knave discovers something in his back pocket.)
Knave: Bloody hell. (He hands the objects to her; revealing the three wishes.) I think these are for you.
Lizard: (Confused.) What are they?
Knave: Wishes. (Involuntarily.) Mistress mine, my will is thine. Tell me your wishes three. (In realization.) Bollocks! I'm pretty sure I'm a genie, Lizard.
Lizard: (At first, she is shocked, but then smiles.) And I'm your master.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Alice and Cyrus' hideout in the Outlands. Alice wakes up and sees Cyrus beside her.

Cyrus: Alice!
Alice: Cyrus? I can hardly tell what's real and what's a dream.
Cyrus: You were in a deep sleep. But I promise, you're very much awake. (She feels his face.) See? Totally real. (He kisses her hand.)
Alice: We're together. We did it.
Cyrus: You did it, Alice. (They begin to kiss; only for an offscreen Red Queen to interrupt.)
Red Queen: Ugh. You two are even more insufferable together. Do you know that? (Alice turns around and is shocked. She reaches for her sword.)
Alice: What are you doing here?
Cyrus: Alice, wait!
Red Queen: Don't threaten me, darling. (She attempts to use her magic, but is stopped by Cyrus.) Cyrus: We can work together, or we can perish together.
Alice: Why on earth would we work with her?
Cyrus: She doesn't remember.
Red Queen: Or maybe she just doesn't care.
Alice: What are you two talking about? Wait, why are you two even talking at all.
Cyrus: The Knave. We have to save him.
Alice: (Growing more confused.) The—why do we need to save him?
Red Queen: Same old Alice, only thinking about herself.
Cyrus: One more word, and I'll let her give you what you deserve. (To Alice.) The wish that you gave to the Knave—he used it to end your suffering. And as a result, her not only saved your life, he granted me my freedom.
Red Queen: Unfortunately, as you know, magic always comes at a price.
Alice: (In realization.) And a bottle always has to have a genie inside. Oh no. So Will, he's...
Cyrus: I'm afraid so. That's why we can't leave Wonderland. Not yet.
Red Queen: We have to save him.
Alice: "We" don't have to do anything. (To Cyrus.) You're not seriously considering—
Cyrus: Alice, listen. If there's one thing from being a genie, it's what people wish for in their heart of hearts. And I can tell you, the Queen wants the same thing as you do—to be with the one she loves. To be with Will.
Red Queen: Besides, if you want to find him before Jafar does, you need all the help you can get.
Cyrus: And having a little bit of magic on our side might prove to be useful.
Alice: (Sighs.) Very well, then. We find the bottle, and we save the Knave. And then get the hell out of Wonderland.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Jafar enters the Wonderland Castle and ascends to the throne while the Old Prisoner watches from inside his cage.

Jafar: The Red Queen's reign is over! I'm the master of Wonderland now! (He turns to look at his father.) Enjoying to view, Father? Now you can watch me sit on the throne you didn't believe I deserved.
Old Prisoner: A throne is made when the man who sits upon it is worthy. Where you sit, Jafar, is nothing more than a large chair.
Jafar: And you, Father? Do you believe you were worthy?
Old Prisoner: More so than you.
Jafar: You tried to murder your own son.
Old Prisoner: If only I had succeeded... the world would be a far better place.
Jafar: (To the servants.) Remove him! (They do, and the Caterpillar enters.)
Caterpillar: Jafar. Or should I say, "Your Majesty"?
Jafar: You're back. You'd better have some good news.
Catterpillar: My men spent all night searching, but no luck. They'll head out again after they get some rest.
Jafar: Rest?! The third wish has been made! The genie is back in his bottle. Get more men! Raise an army if you have to! I need that bottle now, before someone else finds it!
Caterpillar: I've tried. But word's gotten out that working for you tends to shorten one's life expectancy.
Jafar: So does failing me. And you have failed spectacularly. (The eyes of his serpent staff begin to glow red and he then moves to kill the Caterpillar.)
Caterpillar: Wait. There might be one way to get what you want.
Jafar: Tell me.
Caterpillar: There's an ancient creature, imprisoned for a hundred years. Most are afraid to even speak its name, for fear it might return.
Jafar: Go on.
Caterpillar: It's more powerful than any army. And once you tell it what you want, nothing, no one can stop it. But I beg you not to—
Jafar: I need a name.
Caterpillar: It is called the Jabberwocky.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. At the bottom of a hill near the river, Alice, Cyrus, and the Red Queen continue to track down the bottle.

Alice: So, if the bottle rolled down this hill, it most likely ended up here.
Cyrus: In the river.
Red Queen: Must we walk directly in the mud?
Alice: What's the matter, Queen? Or is is only your hands you don't mind getting dirty?
Red Queen: Cyrus, you should really teach your girlfriend some manners... before someone else does.
Alice: Chances are the bottle carried downstream. We keep to the path of the river, we'll find Will. (She and Cyrus continue downstream as the Queen lags behind and slips in the mud.)
Cyrus: Alice, are you all right?
Alice: Yes, I'm fine.
Cyrus: Are you sure?
Alice: Of course I am. Yeah.
Cyrus: I can't even begin to imagine what you went through to get back here. How did you get back here.
Alice: Rabbit and the Knave came and got me out.
Cyrus: Out? From where?
Alice: (Realizing what she said.) From England. They told me you were alive and they brought me back to find you. But, what about you? How long were you in Jafar's prison? I can only imagine how horrible it was.
Cyrus: (Long pause.) We just have so catching up to do.
Alice: We just need to talk. That's all.
Cyrus: We won't always be such close quarters with the Red Queen. We'll find time to be together.
Alice: I know. It's just... she's so devious.(She turns around to find no sign of the Red Queen.) Cyrus?
Cyrus: What?
Alice: Where is she?
Cyrus: I don't know. She was right behind us.
Alice: I can't believe I fell for it again!
Cyrus: Alice, we don't know--
Alice: Yes, we do. A tiger doesn't change its stripes.
Cyrus: All right. So, what's her plan? Off to find the Knave on her own?
Alice: Undoubtedly. The more important question is why.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Knave and Lizard enter the town square of Lizard's village.

Lizard:'Why risk you life going back for Alice and Cyrus? I mean, you promised you's help get them back together, and now they're together. For all you know, they already hightailed out of Wonderland.
Knave: You've got a point there.
Lizard: I'm just sayin', you've been through a lot. Fulfilled all your obligations. Don't you think you deserve a little "Knave Time"?
Knave: Well... I could use a chance to catch me breath.
Lizard: (Stares at the three wishes.) How about this? You grant me my first wish, and then you can run off, do whatever you want.
Knave: Fair enough.
Lizard: Okay. Let's see. I wish--
Knave: Wait! Be careful. There's rules to this genie business. Very, very important rules.
Lizard: Like what?
Knave: Like rules I'm trying bloody hard to remember. Uh, right. I'm not allowed...(Sighs.) I can't... something about... Here we go. I can't make anyone fall in love.
Lizard: Oh. Well, um, okay. How about this instead. You tell me something you want, and I'll wish it for you.
Knave: You serious?
Lizard: Sure. For old time's sake.
Knave: That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. Well, I don't want it to be too big. There's consequences in that. But something small, something safe, something like... (Thinks.) a beer. (Lizard smiles.) An ice-cold beer. Even better, beers for everyone in the village! (The crowd cheers.)

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Villagers are admiring various jewels.

Man: One diamond pin! (The crowd cheers.) One ring--looks like rubies! (Crowd cheers again.) This'll feed is for months. The question is, what do we do... with her? (The camera pans down to see a dazed Red Queen awakening.
Red Queen: Where am I? Who are you people?
Man: "You people?" Do you hear that? You people. (He laughs and another man forces the Queen to her feet.)
Red Queen: D-don't you know who I am?!
Woman: Why do you think we hijacked you?
Another Man: Of course we know how you are. Or rather, who you used to be before Jafar threw you out of your fancy silver palace.
Red Queen: He didn't throw me out of the palace. I abandoned it!
Another Woman: Just like you abandoned us!
Man: You took our harvests, let terrifying creatures take over our fields. You're the reason we're hungry. You're the reason we're suffering. And now you, darling, will be the one to suffer.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. In the palace, a gift-wrapped red box sits on a pedestal when Jafar enters. He takes it and opens it, revealing Tweedledee's severed head.

Jafar: Tweedle. You were so useful to me. Sorry to see you didn't come out... (He removes Tweedledee from the box and places him on another pedestal. ahead.
Tweedledee: Oh, thank you, Sire. That is much more comfortable.
Jafar: Now tell me where I can find the Jabberwocky.
Tweedledee: The Jabberwo--wo--why? What?
Jafar: I ask the questions, Tweedle. Show me where to find it.
Tweedledee: I would be more than happy to...help. But, with me not having a body, I'm afraid it's just not possible, is it? (A guard enters. Jafar magically removes to man's head from his neck.)
Jafar: Anything is possible, Tweedle. Would you like to be able to walk again?
Tweedledee: Of course.
Jafar: Then help me. And I'll help you.
Tweedledee: It took 500 men and Wonderland's most powerful magic to imprison the Jabberwocky. I must beg you, Sire, as your humble servant, do not do this.
Jafar: Yet it's precisely your fear, your willingness to do anything to avoid facing it, that I find so intriguing about this creature. You see... there's something in Wonderland that I want--a genie. And, quite honestly, I've grown tired of hunting for him. But perhaps with this creature at my side, the the threat of releasing it, I won't have to hunt any longer. Because all of Wonderland will be falling over itself to bring him to me. (He fastens Tweedledee's head onto the new body.) And then Alice and her genie friend n't just be up against me. They'll be up against everyone.
