Once Upon a Time Wiki

A year ago I was in Boston. Till a fire destroyed my apartment and I moved to New York to have a fresh start with my son.

Emma Swan to Hook

"New York City Serenade" is the twelfth episode of Season Three of ABC's Once Upon a Time. It was written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, and directed by Billy Gierhart. It is the fifty-sixth episode of the series overall, and premiered on March 9, 2014.


After Rumplestiltskin sacrificed his life to stop Pan from enacting another curse, Regina obliterated her original curse, which erased Storybrooke from existence and whisked its residents back to Fairy Tale Land – leaving Emma and Henry back in our world with no memories of Storybrooke. But all is not well back in the Enchanted Forest when Hook comes calling on Emma in New York City in an attempt to jog her memory so that she can once again help her fairy tale family and friends out of a desperate situation.[2]


This section is a detailed recap of this episode. There are major spoilers. Click to expand.

In the Enchanted Forest, Prince Phillip rides on horseback to a pavilion where Aurora is waiting for him. She has prepared a lunch for them both. She playfully complains that he is late. Stating that she is hungry and has missed him, she adds humorously that she is cranky due to her pregnancy. Their tender moment is interrupted by the ominous sound of thunder. They turn to see a purple cloud of smoke rolling towards them. They attempt to outrun the oncoming tempest, but it passes through them. Phillip and Aurora are unharmed and see that a number of former Enchanted Forest inhabitants have appeared before them, consisting of Snow White, Prince Charming and others. Aurora is shocked to see Snow, and asks her what has happened. Snow simply replies, "We're back."

In a flash forward of one year, Emma is  in New York City. She enters an up-scale restaurant to have dinner with Walsh, who is revealed to be her current boyfriend. Walsh asks about Henry's recent science project, which Emma recounts went well, partly due to Walsh's help. After their meal, Walsh excuses himself and mentions, somewhat cryptically, that he'll be back. During Walsh's absence, Hook sits in his vacant chair, startling Emma. Emma, still having no memory of Hook, insists that he leave. But Hook is persistent, telling her that her current life is a sham and warning her that her parents are in danger. Hook says he has proof of this and hands her a paper with an address on it, claiming that the truth of who Emma is and where her parents are can be found there. Emma rebuffs him, to which Hook then states that they've met before a year ago. Emma denies this, claiming that a year ago she was in Boston where her apartment had caught fire, prompting her to move to New York. Hook muses that Regina's curse is the cause of these false memories. Once again, Hook implores Emma to go the address he has given her and that he'll be waiting to hear from her at Central Park. When he leaves, Emma is left confused.

In a flashback, in the Enchanted Forest, Snow White, Prince Charming, Hook and Regina are catching up on what has happened during their absence. Aurora reports that the ogres have since been defeated and that they are in the process of restoring their kingdom. Snow White also notes that Aurora is pregnant. Prince Philip says that they have much to celebrate and offers them all refuge within their kingdom. This earns a troubled look from Aurora. Prince Charming is grateful but says that they have their own castle to go to. Snow White reminds him that their castle was decimated by the curse. Aurora says that Regina's former castle still stands, however, as Regina had protected it. Prince Charming and Regina bicker over who is the castle's rightful owner: Snow White or Regina. Snow says that they are going to reclaim it and that Regina is going to go with them. Regina finds the idea laughable, but Snow White insists, arguing that being united will give their people the hope they need at this troubled time. They then bid their farewells. Now alone with Prince Philip, Aurora gives voice to her worries: that they must tell "her" that the people of the Enchanted Forest have returned. Philip is loathed to do so, being fearful of that this unnamed woman will do to them. But Aurora is more worried what "she" will do if they fail to inform her of their return, reasoning that she may harm their yet unborn child. Aurora says they just have to hope the Enchanted Forest folks can look after themselves.

Back in New York City, Walsh re-enters to a confused Emma. He asks her what the paper (which Hook gave her) is and she replies that it's nothing. She is then given a dish with a dessert on it, and says that she's full. He tells her to look at it, in which he turns the dish over to reveal a ring surrounded by a circle of chocolate, and afterward tells her he couldn't wait any longer and that he loves her and Henry. She is left speechless as he proposes to her.

She is then seen walking out of the restaurant, and Walsh catches up to her. She tells him that it's too fast and that they've been together for only eight months. After a brief conversation, he tells her that she could take as much time as she wants.

Afterward, Henry is seen playing a video game after Emma walks in. He asks her what she said, and she tells that she didn't say "no." After she says she needs more time, Henry points out that Walsh is not like his father because he isn't going to abandon them.

A year earlier, in the Enchanted Forest, everyone is making preparations for the Queen's castle. As the dwarves celebrate how handsome they look, Jiminy lands on Grumpy's shoulder and informs him that 50 more people from Storybrooke have arrived. After Prince Charming hears this, he find Hook loading up his horse. He tells Hook that he doesn't need to pack that much, as the Dark Palace in less than a day away, but Hook tells him that he is going to find the Jolly Roger. Neal then comes up to Snow and Charming, asking if he can revive his father, so he can bring him to Emma and Henry. They tell him that his desired task is impossible and he should leave it alone to give them their best chance.

As Henry is getting ready to go to school, he accuses Emma of worrying. She tells him that she is thinking and when he asks if it is about Walsh, she responds with a yes. After Henry leaves, Emma looks at the address Hook gave her and she goes there. She unlocks the door and when she sees a dreamcatcher, she realizes that she is in Neal's apartment. After looking around, she finds a camera with Henry's name on it.

Emma immediately meets Hook at Central Park to discuss with him. She asks him about the camera and if Neal is trying to get into Henry's life, but Hook insists that Henry left his camera there when he last went to Neal's apartment. When Emma asks for real proof, Hook tells her to drink the potion, she then handcuffs him to a bench and has him arrested for assault.

As everyone is making the journey to the Dark Palace one year ago, Neal meets up with Belle and she assures him that they will find a way to revive Rumplestiltskin. Snow White tells Prince Charming that she never imagined to return to Regina's castle with her. As she says this, Grumpy informs her that Regina is no where to be found. When she finds her in the woods burying her heart, Snow White manages to persuade her to put her heart back in her chest. As they are leaving, they are attacked by a flying monkey. Luckily, Robin Hood and his Merry Men are able to shoot the monkey down.

As Emma and Henry walk home, she tells him that she is thinking about marrying Walsh. He tells her that her arranged a date with her and Walsh. When they finally reach home, Emma tells Henry she forgot something and tells him to go. Emma takes a look at the photos she was carrying and is shocked with what she sees. At this, she bails Hook out of jail and asks her about the photos. He tells her it will only make sense if she drinks the potion. When Emma drinks it, she remembers everything that was wiped away.

Robin Hood, Regina, and Snow White rejoin the group and Robin Hood reunites with Neal and Belle. The group soon reaches the castle and realize that there is a protection spell surrounding the castle.

Emma and Hook have a drink and discuss the current situation back in her apartment. When he tells her there is a new curse, she asks what could've happened, but Hook doesn't know. She then asks him what he should tell Henry. As soon as she says this, the doorbell rings and it is revealed to be Walsh. Emma takes him outside and tells him they can't get married because she has to face her past. He tells her he wished she never drank the potion and tries to attack her. She fights back and eventually throws him off a cliff, killing him. When Hook finds her, she says that they will leave for Storybrooke in the morning.

The next morning, Emma is making breakfast when Henry asks about Walsh. She tells him that she just wants it to be the two of them. After Henry takes a bite of breakfast, he tells her he has to run to school, but Emma says he is not going to school because she has a "case" in Maine. He agrees to the trip and when Killian comes knocking on the door, they get ready to leave for Storybrooke.

When they arrive in Storybrooke, night has fallen and Henry is asleep. Emma tells Hook to wait with Henry while she talks to her parents. Emma goes to the Blanchard loft and finds David on the other side of the door. Him and Mary Margaret tell Emma that they do not remember the last year or who cast the curse.

A year ago, Zelena walks down a hall in Regina's castle and asks a flying monkey if it has Regina's blood. It drops the blood into a potion and it glows. Zelena gloats, saying that since she's wicked and Regina is evil, she'll win.



Guest Starring



*: Only in archive footage



Production Notes

  • ABANDONED IDEAS: Concept art for an interior scene in Aurora's palace was created for the episode, but this idea did not make it onto the screen.[7]
  • SOMETHING'S CHANGED: When the residents of Storybrooke reappear in the Enchanted Forest, there are some notable changes. The Blue Fairy and Tinker Bell are nowhere to be seen, but it is possible they are in the second group of fifty inhabitants, who landed in the Enchanted Forest two miles away, as mentioned by Jiminy to Grumpy. Red Riding Hood is also added to the group despite not being with them originally.[8]
  • OBSERVATIONS: Emma and Walsh have dinner at a restaurant called Ostria.[9] Graphic arts designer Neil Westlake named the restaurant after the Ostro, a southerly wind in the Mediterranean Sea.[10] Fittingly enough, a tree blowing in the wind is pictured on the restaurant menu.[11]
  • HIDDEN DETAILS: Walsh has a scar on the left side of his neck,[12] which he does not have when Zelena transforms him into a flying monkey in "It's Not Easy Being Green."[13] The flying monkey that attacks Regina and Snow White is hit by an arrow in exactly the same spot.[14]
  • HIDDEN DETAILS: Henry reaches level twenty-three while playing a video game. This is a nod to the official Disney fan club D23.[15]
  • OBSERVATIONS: When Prince Charming asks Robin Hood if they are armed with weapons, he responds by saying, "We're lousy with them." The commonly used meaning for "lousy" is "of poor quality," but in this case, Robin Hood is using a different definition of the word, which means "amply supplied."[16]
  • ABANDONED IDEAS: Originally, Regina and the others were going to be attacked by gargoyles, but according to concept artist John Gallagher, they "went with flying monkeys instead."[17]
  • CUT CONTENT: A hug between Emma and Hook,[18] after she bails him out of jail in New York, was cut from the episode. According to Adam Horowitz, the hug was not scripted.[19]
  • A moment where Walsh kisses Emma's forehead after the two leave the restaurant was also cut.[20]
  • REUSED FOOTAGE: The city view from the top of Emma's apartment building[21] is the same as the view seen from the top of Neal's apartment building in the Season Five finale "An Untold Story."[22] Out of universe, this indicates that the same footage was used for the background plate of New York City, while in-universe, it indicates that the two buildings are located in the same neighborhood.
  • Ginnifer Goodwin's real-life pregnancy was written into the show's storyline, although Mary Margaret's pregnancy had already been planned for a long time. According to Ginnifer, the series creators knew that she and Josh Dallas (who are married in real life) wanted to start a family, and everyone was hoping that the timing would overlap. The writers had given themselves some wiggle room, "So once we became pregnant in real life, they could say, “All right, here we go.”"[23]
    • During the filming of the Enchanted Forest flashback scenes, Josh Dallas gathered the crew in the middle of the woods and told them all that Ginnifer was pregnant.[24]
  • It was never explained on the show why Zelena stole some of Regina's blood in this episode. In an interview with TV Guide from May 2014, Edward Kitsis stated that he believed it was to deal with the blood lock on Regina's palace and to prove that Regina is her sister, while Adam Horowitz added, "That may be a case of something that we answered, but we didn't answer it clearly enough for people to get."[25]
  • OBSERVATIONS: This is the second episode to end on a flashback. The others are "The Doctor" and "It's Not Easy Being Green."

Event Chronology

Episode Connections

  • What happened to Hook after he left the others, and how he found his ship, is revealed in "The Jolly Roger."
  • Neal and Belle revive Rumplestiltskin in "Quiet Minds."
  • Robin Hood mentions Belle rescuing him in "Lacey."
  • How Hook got the memory potion is explained in "Witch Hunt" and shown in "A Curious Thing."
  • This is not the first time Hook has been chained up by Emma; she also did this in "Tallahassee" and "In the Name of the Brother." She chains him up again in "Birth."
  • Emma mentions the flight from Boston to New York, which took place in "Tiny."
  • When Emma regains her memories, clips from "Pilot," "A Land Without Magic," "Broken," "Manhattan," "Second Star to the Right," "Ariel," and "Going Home" appear.
  • Who cast the new curse, and who sent the message to Hook, is revealed in "A Curious Thing."
  • Walsh's reason for getting close to Emma is revealed in "The Jolly Roger."
  • Emma's lingering question about Walsh's origins is answered in "It's Not Easy Being Green," which also explains how he became a flying monkey.
  • Emma calls Hook by his real name, Killian, which was a name first revealed in "The Crocodile." This is the first time it has been used in Emma's presence since Hook first introduced himself to her in "The Doctor."
  • Emma's iconic red jacket, the "one last thing" she needs before going back to Storybrooke, was first seen in "Pilot." The story behind the jacket, is revealed in "Firebird."
  • Storybrooke's destruction occurred in "Going Home."
  • The new curse is broken in "A Curious Thing."



Fairytales and Folklore

Popular Culture

  • A poster promoting the 2005 album Brigadoon by the Canadian indie pop band P:ano. (The edge of this poster was glimpsed in "Broken.")[29]
  • A promo poster for Vancouver-based band Vancougar.
  • VENDING MACHINES AS SET DRESSING: When Emma walks Henry home, a newspaper vending machine says "New York Bugle";[30] a reference to the Daily Bugle, a fictional New York City tabloid newspaper that is a regular fixture in the Marvel Universe, most prominently in Spider-Man comic titles.
  • VENDING MACHINES AS SET DRESSING: When Emma bails Hook out of jail, a Daily News vending machine is seen.[33]
  • This episode introduces the Wicked Witch of the West, who is green-skinned and often dresses in black with a pointy black hat, something that is based on the 1939 movie adaptation The Wizard of Oz (neither element is featured in the novel).

Props Notes

  • The gazebo also appears in the background when Alice is reading to her daughter in Victorian England in the Once Upon a Time in Wonderland finale "And They Lived..." Large windows were added to the gazebo for this episode.[38]
  • BRAND INFO: The larger plates[26] that Aurora uses for preparing a meal under the pavilion are Arte Italica Merletto Aqua Dinner Plates[39] while the smaller ones[26] are Arte Italica Merletto Aqua Canape Plates.[40] (The Merletto Aqua pattern was produced from 2010 – 2016 and has since been discontinued.[41])
  • The restaurant menu that Emma opens[11] is adapted from an older version of the menu from the Brix & Mortar restaurant on in Downtown Vancouver,[42] where the restaurant scenes were filmed.[43][44]
(note that the dishes are in a slightly different order in the show version; this table follows the order from the original version)
Small Plates
Small Plates
Buffalo Mozzarella Salad 13
Seasonal fresh tomato, peppergreens, pesto vinaigrette
Seasonal fresh tomato, peppergreens, pesto vinaigrette
Beet & Goat's Cheese Salad 12
Pickled red beets, pemberton's goat's cheese, hazelnuts, yellow beet confiture, lemon-vanilla vinaigrette
Dungeness Crab Cake 14
Sauice roille, bread and butter pickled fennel
Seared Sea Scallops 14
Caramelized cauliflower puree, miso butter corn & edame, prosciuotto crisp
[four illegible words] pancettaa & [illegible word], micro greens
48 Hour Beef Shortribs 14
Seared old-fashioned peach, pickled local rhubarb and radish salad
[three illegible words] yogurt

1Okanagan, also known as Okanagan Valley, is a four hour drive from Vancouver,[45] where Once Upon a Time was filmed.

Fresh Mussels 13
House made bacon, cherry tomatoes, white wine garlic broth, fresh herbs, chili maple toast
House made bacon, cherry tomatoes, white wine garlic broth, fresh herbs, chili maple toast
Duck Pâté 13
Gherkins, grainy mustard, grilled toast points
[illegible, excerpt from the words "red beet"]

1Pickled beet salad also used to be on the menu of Brick & Mortar.[46]
Main Courses
Ling Cod 21
Fresh herb polenta, sautéeted local Swiss chard, tomato cider reduction
Wine recommendation: Sauvignon Blanc, Alsatian White
Summer Squash Risotto 19
Varietal squash, black garlic, maple sugar, pemberton farms goat's cheese, braised carrot salad
Wine recommendation: Sauvignon Blanc, Alsatian White
Cornish Game Hen 22
Mixed baby potato sauté, hou[obscured] pan jus & sage salt
Wine recommendation: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
Mixed baby potato sauté, house made bacon, corn and local kale, pan jus & sage salt
Wine recommendation: Chard[obscured]
Smoked Sablefish Gnocchi 23
Green peas, shallots, white wine cream, local micro greens
Wine recommendation: Chardonnay, Pinot Gris
SMOKED SABL[obscured]
Green peas, shall[obscured]
Wine recomm[obscured]
Duck Breast 26
Star anise honey glaze, carrot ginger purée, miso aubergine, toasted sesame seeds
Wine recommendation: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
Star anise honey glaze, carrot ginger purée [obscured]
Wine recommendation: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
Beef Tenderloin 6 oz 29
Seasonal vegetable sauté, potato rosti, roasted bone marrow & herb butter
Wine recommendation: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah/ Shiraz
Pommes Anna, caramelized shallot sauce sobise, bone marrow [image ends]
Wine recommendation: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah/Shiraz
  • The hooks hanging from the shelves[56] are Grundtal stainless steel s-hooks from IKEA.[57]
  • PAUSE AND READ: According to the note, the written address for Neal's apartment is 89 Wooster Street, New York, NY, 10012.[58]
  • CREW NAMES ON PROPS: One of the letters addressed to Neal is from a Ms. C. Marion.[59]
  • The name tag on Henry's camera carries the Honeywell logo.[60]
  • COPIED FROM PHOTO: An edited version of the photograph that Emma shows to Hook[61] was used for the Polaroid of Emma and Henry in the Season Six episode "The Song in Your Heart."[62] The cups and the way they hold them are the same, as is the table, the background and Henry's clothes; however, the food in front of them, and Henry's face, were replaced for the musical episode, and a different version of Emma was edited in.
  • According to the label, the bottle that Hook and Emma are drinking from contains Jamaican Dark Rum from "Santa Christ[obscured]."[63]

Set Dressing

  • BRAND INFO: The fruit bowl is a Giant Ceramic Bird Bowl by Jonathan Adler[65] (no longer available).
  • REUSED PROPS: One of the framed pictures in Emma's living room[89] was later used to decorate Mr. Gold's hotel suite in the Season Five finale "An Untold Story."[90]
  • BRAND INFO: Emma has a "The End" bookend from CB2[91] (no longer available) on her shelf.[92]
  • BRAND INFO: On Emma's kitchen island,[93] there is an Anthropologie Faccia Serving Bowl,[94] (no longer available) and a Knyck napkin holder[95] and a Burken jar with lid (the latter is no longer available) from IKEA.[96]

Costume Notes

  • OBSERVATIONS: The residents of Storybrooke are returned to their original, pre-curse clothes when they reappear in the Enchanted Forest. However, there are some inconsistencies:[8]

Filming Locations


International Titles



  1. Sunday Final Ratings: 'Resurrection', 'Once Upon a Time' & 'The Amazing Race' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers (March 11, 2014). “Once Upon a Time (...) 7.66”
  2. 2.0 2.1 Listings: Once Upon a Time. The Futon Critic. “Air Date: Sunday, March 09, 2014 Time Slot: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST on ABC Episode Title: (#312) "New York City Serenade"”
  3. File:312Title.png
  4. TwitterLogo Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) on X, formerly Twitter: More #titlespoilers for #onceuponatime! (November 14, 2013). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
  5. Ausiello, Michael (December 10, 2013). Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on True Blood, Criminal Minds, Revenge, Psych, Nashville and More. TVLine. “We asked the Once creators about the midseason premiere, which airs March 9 and is titled "New York City Serenade." But other than confirming that the Bruce Springsteen fan in him had a hand in coming up with that title, Adam Horowitz would only confirm, "There's a lot of Emma in that episode, that is for sure."”
  6. Dove, Steve. Storybrooke Secrets: Welcome to Storybrooke. ABC. Archived from the original on October 24, 2013. “And while Owen is a Star Wars fan, his dad Kurt later tells Regina he's from "New Jersey, home of the Boss." Adam Horowitz is a big fan of Bruce Springsteen.”
  7. File:312ConceptArt7.jpg
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 File:312WeAreBack.png
  9. 9.0 9.1 File:312Leaving.png
  10. FacebookIcon Westlake Design (@NeilAWestlake) on Facebook: When coming up with corporate identity / branding concepts, the problem always begins with a name. (August 14, 2014) "You ask yourself: 'What do I call this thing?' When I want it to be high-end, I often go through a list of well-known wind systems. Yes, winds have names. Ones like Le Mistral, are well known - but there are many others. Here is the branding I did for a light-box outside a restaurant in season 3 using the namesake of a famous wind system." (backup link) (archive screenshot)
  11. 11.0 11.1 File:312LetsDoIt.png
  12. File:312WalshSeesEmma.png
  13. File:316Showman.png
  14. File:312MonkeyHitByArrow.png
  15. Epstein, Jeffrey (March 5, 2014). A Wicked Witch, More Disney Characters, and a Special Shout Out to D23 Coming to Once Upon a Time. D23. Archived from the original on March 6, 2014. “I hope it's not a big spoiler alert to say Henry is playing a video game on which he is thrilled to reach level 23. Coincidence? Eddy: Not at all. It is absolutely a shout-out to our faithful at D23.”
  16. Definition of lousy. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved on April 21, 2018. “b : miserably poor or inferior (...) d : amply supplied : REPLETE”
  17. Once Upon A Time – gargoyle concept. DeviantArt. Retrieved on September 14, 2018. “Design for gargoyle from episode 312 left on the floor - went with flying monkeys instead, which were great fun to cook up too”
  18. Once Upon A Time films a scene with Colin O'Donoghue & Jennifer Morrison for season 3 - I believe episode 12. Canadagraphs (February 9, 2014). (Photograph)
  19. TwitterLogo Luca Drommi (@Lukadrommi) on X, formerly Twitter: @AdamHorowitzLA You guys even cut the CS hug in 3x12 :(( this is the ship w most chemistry and potential and you're wasting it!! (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
    TwitterLogo Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) on X, formerly Twitter: @Lukadrommi that hug never existed. It wasn't in the script. Nothing was cut (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
    TwitterLogo Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) on X, formerly Twitter: @AdamHorowitzLA @Lukadrommi Hug DID happen. If it wasn't scripted are you suggesting JM & CO just hug randomly while shooting scenes? (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
    TwitterLogo Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) on X, formerly Twitter: @canadagraphs @lukadrommi I guess so. Because it wasn't scripted. (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
    TwitterLogo Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) on X, formerly Twitter: @AdamHorowitzLA According to @AdamHorowitzLA THIS wasn't scripted that's a pretty "more than friends" type hug lol. (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
    TwitterLogo Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) on X, formerly Twitter: @canadagraphs it wasn't scripted. (March 30, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
  20. Casey (November 24, 2013). Episode 12 "New York Serenade" (Blogspot). Once Upon A Theory.
  21. File:312YouTalkingAbout.png
  22. File:523ReginaVSEvilQueen.png
  23. Mitovich, Matt Webb (May 2, 2014). Once Upon a Time's Ginnifer Goodwin Previews Wicked Childbirth, a 'Significant' Baby Naming and Season 3's Super-Secret Final Scene. TVLine. “TVLINE | I probably should know the answer to this, but I've never bothered to ask you myself: Which pregnancy came first? Would [series creators] Adam [Horowitz] and Eddy [Kitsis] have made Snow White pregnant regardless? It's something that we had sort of discussed over the past year-and-a-half. They knew that there was an "Untitled Ginny Goodwin/Josh Dallas Project" in the works, and we knew there was a very much-titled Snow White/Prince Charming Project in the works, and we were hoping that the timing would overlap. And they had given themselves some wiggle room in the writing. We knew that the characters wanted to become pregnant, so once we became pregnant in real life, they could say, "All right, here we go."”
  24. File:IGdisneycamera-312.png
  25. Abrams, Natalie (May 7, 2014). Lightning Round 13: Once Upon a Time Bosses Answer Your Burning Questions. TV Guide. “Will we ever find out why Zelena (Rebecca Mader) needed Regina's (Lana Parrilla) blood? Edward Kitsis: I believe it was to confirm it was her sister and to deal with the blood lock. Adam Horowitz: That may be a case of something that we answered, but we didn't answer it clearly enough for people to get.”
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 File:312HiddenMickey.png
  27. File:312Town.png
  28. File:312WalksToTable.png
  29. File:201WalksToWindow2.png
  30. File:312So.png
  31. File:215ReallyFromThere.png
  32. 32.0 32.1 File:421BookBlurb.png
  33. File:312Bologna.png
  34. File:312Gazebo.png
  35. File:W110AgrabahWellofWonders.png
  36. File:W110CyrusStopsAtWell.png
  37. File:W113KnowsImHere.png
  38. File:W113WonderOnceAgain.png
  39. Merletto Aqua Dinner Plate - Arte Italica. The Lamp Stand. Archived from the original on April 20, 2018.
  40. Merletto Aqua Canape Plate - Arte Italica. The Lamp Stand. Archived from the original on April 20, 2018.
  41. Merletto Aqua by ARTE ITALICA. Replacements, Ltd. Retrieved on January 8, 2024. “Pattern: Merletto Aqua by Arte Italica. Status: Discontinued. Actual: 2010 - 2016”
  42. Images of the old menu from an old restaurant review, published two months before the episode was filmed: Brix. Vanbrosia (September 12, 2013). “Menu” (Picture of the old menu)
  43. 43.0 43.1 Gittins, Susan (November 26, 2013). SHOOT: ONCE UPON A TIME Films Jennifer Morrison & Christopher Gorham in Yaletown as New York City – Updated. Hollywood North Buzz. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020. “When I saw Christopher Gorham hug Jennifer Morrison on the Yaletown set outside Brix restaurant last Thursday night (November 21st), it tempted me to tweet a new shipper name like #Swangie or #AugSwan in honour of Morrison's Emma Swan character embracing Gorham's Auggie character from Covert Affairs.”
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Gittins, Susan (November 24, 2013). SHOOT: ONCE UPON A TIME Turns Vancouver Club into NYPD 35th Precinct. Hollywood North Buzz. Archived from the original on November 14, 2020. “Showrunner Adam Horowitz shared the title spoiler in mid-November and we've seen several location shoots for episode 3×12 in downtown Vancouver dressed as New York City — from Gastown's Koret Lofts to Stanley Park dressed as Central Park to the Vancouver Club as NYPD 35th Precinct to Yaletown's Brix restaurant and wine bar as a NYC restaurant Ostria.”
  45. Beckett, Fiona (October 2, 2016). A wine tour of Canada's beautiful Okanagan Valley. The Guardian. “The Okanagan valley is four hours’ drive from Vancouver, or visitors can fly to Penticton or Kelowna and pick up a hire car.”
  46. Brix & Mortar. Yelp. Retrieved on April 21, 2018. “Annie M., Vancouver, Canada, March 29, 2014: "My girlfriend had pickled beet salad, it's so fresh and salad dressing was light and favorable."”
  47. File:312Promo32.jpg
  48. File:404TheSorcererHimself.png
  49. File:505Promo5.jpg
  50. Once Upon a Time - Merida's Stunt Sword (0377). iCollector. Archived from the original on August 2, 2020. Retrieved on August 2, 2020. “This style of sword also saw use by Prince Charming (S03) and the Apprentice (S04).”
  51. 51.0 51.1 File:312Mom.png
  52. File:110MMSeesDavid.png
  53. File:112DayGoing.png
  54. File:213ComfortsFromHome2.png
  55. IKEA GRUNDTAL. 1-day. Retrieved on December 22, 2018. (120 cm, like Emma's shelves)
    GRUNDTAL Wall shelf Stainless steel. IKEA UK. Retrieved on December 22, 2018. (60 cm)
  56. 56.0 56.1 File:312AboutToOpenNote.png
  57. GRUNDTAL S-hook, stainless steel, 7 cm. IKEA Japan. Retrieved on November 14, 2022.
  58. File:312Note.png
  59. File:312Letters.png
  60. File:312NameOnIt.png
  61. File:312WhatTheHellAreTheseFlipped.png (flipped image)
    File:312WhatTheHellAreThese.png (original image)
  62. File:620RemindingMyself.png
  63. File:312TellHim.png
  64. File:312QuietTonight.png
  65. Giant Ceramic Bird Bowl. Jonathan Adler. Archived from the original on September 25, 2014.
  66. File:312JoinsYou.png
  67. File:312YoureTheSavior.png
  68. Torre & Tagus 1651-100000 Village Cuckoo Clock, White. Amazon. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  69. tension arm paper towel holder. simplehuman. Retrieved on February 5, 2022.
  70. File:312HandItIn.png
  71. File:312RightHere.png
  72. LINEN DOCUMENT BOX SAND. Restoration Hardware. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  73. File:312RightHere2.png
  74. CASA TISSUE COVER. Umbra. Retrieved on February 5, 2021.
  75. Double Candleholder, white. Amazon. Retrieved on October 14, 2021. “Visit the Menu Store”
  76. DISH RACK. Black+Blum. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
    Black + Blum High and dry Dish Drainer, Lime. Amazon UK. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  77. Elevate™ Carousel 6-piece Utensil Set. Joseph Joseph. Retrieved on October 20, 2021.
  78. File:312NoIAmNot.png
  79. File:312WalkingToKitchenCounter.png
  80. PLASTIS Dish brush, assorted colors. IKEA US. Archived from the original on March 3, 2017.
  81. IKEA Grundtal Paper Towel holder stainless steel Kitchen shelf hanger. Amazon UK. Retrieved on November 26, 2018.
  82. File:312WalkingToKitchenCounter.png
  83. SOCKERÄRT Vase, white. IKEA US. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  84. File:312LifeAlteringDecision.png
  85. File:406Uh.png
  86. File:605PerfectBabysitter.png
  87. File:606TheRealFun.png
  88. File:618AllByYourself.png
  89. File:312APiratesLife.png
  90. File:523GoldFlipsTray.png
  91. The End Bookend. Geek Alerts (November 3, 2011).
  92. File:312DragHimIntoAllThis.png
  93. File:312HenryThisIs.png
  94. Faccia Serving Bowl. Anthropologie. Archived from the original on January 8, 2014.
  95. KNYCK Napkin holder, black. IKEA US. Retrieved on August 25, 2018.
  96. BURKEN Jar with lid, clear glass, aluminum. IKEA US. Archived from the original on January 18, 2016.
  97. File:311LastHug.png
  98. File:312APoorThief.png
  99. File:312IDontKnow2.png
  100. File:710PeaceAndProsperity.png
  101. File:313TheyMayRun.png
  102. File:314ThisIsntPossible.png
  103. File:319DontEvenKnow.png
  104. File:312EmmaIsHome.png
  105. Giuseppe Zanotti Women's Black 150mm Suede Pumps. Lyst. Retrieved on April 21, 2018. (Note that the details are at the bottom of the page)
  106. File:312MotherAndSon.png
  107. Soïa & Kyo Hooded Wool Coat. Nordstrom. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  108. TOPSHOP Women's Red Check Trousers. Lyst. Retrieved on April 21, 2018. (Note that the details are at the bottom of the page)
  109. Vince Luisa High Heel Booties. shopbop. Retrieved on April 21, 2018.
  110. File:318MorePowerful.png
  111. File:319RunsToHenry.png
  112. File:320NeverShouldHave.png
  113. TwitterLogo dee {warrior nun SAVED} (@taymissjane) on X, formerly Twitter: @jenmorrisonlive are you a fan of plaid in real life? How do you feel about those Emma's pants from 312? #uglyducklings #WickedVsEvil (March 16, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot; note that both the image and the backup link were created when the user went by a different name and Twitter handle)
    TwitterLogo Jennifer Morrison (@jenmorrisonlive) on X, formerly Twitter: . @captainstarkhoo i [sic] chose a lot of plaid for emma bc of her blended memories right now #WickedVsEvil #OnceUponATime #uglyducklings (March 16, 2014). (backup link) (archive screenshot)
  114. File: 312SkipBail.png
  115. Jennifer Aniston in Etoile Isabel Marant Tucson Check Shirt (Blogspot). Starstyle (October 12, 2013).
  116. File:313AndThen.png
  117. Who wore it best? Jennifer Aniston and Katie Holmes step out in the same Isabel Marant shirt... on the same day!. Daily Mail (September 27, 2013). “They're both known for their preppy style choices, so it's no wonder Katie Holmes and Jennifer Aniston bought the same shirt. And as fate would have it, Jen, 44, and Katie, 34, decided to wear the Isabel Marant shirt on the same day with blue jeans. However, luckily for the two women, they were on opposite sides of America at the time.”
  118. Ginnifer Goodwin Covers Baby Bump on 'Once' Set!. just jared (November 25, 2013). “Ginnifer Goodwin covers up her baby bump while filming scenes for her hit show Once Upon a Time on Monday (November 25) in Vancouver, Canada.”
  119. WEEK: November 18-24, 2013. Hollywood North Buzz (November 24, 2013). “Friday, November 22nd – Once Upon a Time films near Britannia Beach on the road to Squamish.”
  120. DeGraeve, Nikki (November 21, 2013). Once Upon a Time – 3.12 Spoilers BTS Pics Emma & Hook. Entertainment Outlook. Archived from the original on August 3, 2016. “Jennifer Morrison, Colin O'Donoghue and Jared Gilmore have been spotted filming in Vancouver this week, which will double as NY in the show.”
  121. 1144 Homer St Vancouver, British Columbia, Street View – May 2012. Google Maps.
  122. File:312CarMirror.png
  123. Gittins, Susan (November 14, 2013). SHOOT: ONCE UPON A TIME's #CaptainSwan (Jennifer Morrison & Colin O'Donoghue) in Stanley Park as NYC's Central Park. Hollywood North Buzz. Archived from the original on November 11, 2020.
  124. File:312ProtectionSpell2.png
  125. File:312DontYou.png
  126. File:313ShieldVanishes.png
