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This page is the transcript for "Heart of Darkness". Feel free to correct any errors. If you need any help, please see our policies.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past.

Prince Charming: Red, look out! We need to move. They found us.
Red: Go. I'll take care of them.
Prince Charming: Red, I'm not leaving you.
Red: Find Snow. That's all that matters. Find her!
Prince Charming: What are you gonna do?
Red: I'm giving you a head start.
King George's men: Yah! Yah! Yah!

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Storybrooke Sheriff Department.

Emma Swan: Please turn to the right.
Mary Margaret Blanchard: Emma, this is a mistake. I didn't kill Kathryn.
Emma: Of course you didn't. But while I am your friend, I am also the sheriff, and I have to go where the evidence leads.
Mary Margaret: Which points to me? Emma, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here.
Emma: I know, but your fingerprints were on that box, and his are not... so now we have to deal with... this.
Mary Margaret: Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods? This is insane.
Emma: If I don't book you, with all this evidence, it's gonna look like favoritism. And then Regina will have cause and she will fire me, and then you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So please, just try to be patient and trust me. We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn, and I am still waiting for the DNA test results. But in the meantime, you need to bear with me. I have to ask you a few questions.
Mary Margaret: This is crazy. I would never hurt anyone.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. The cottage.

Grumpy: Snow? What are you... what are you doing?
Snow White: Getting rid of the vermin in this house. (trying to kill bird) Yah! (it flies away) Oh. What do you want?
Grumpy: It's dinnertime.
Snow White : I'm not hungry.
Grumpy: Come on. We made something extra special tonight.
Happy: She's out of control.
Snow White: Somebody die?
Jiminy Cricket: Snow, why don't you have a seat?
Snow White: Oh!
Jiminy: Ooh!
Snow White: Why is there a dirty cricket in here!
Jiminy: Uhh! Uh, my name is Jiminy, and your friends have asked me to be here tonight. They're concerned about you and they have something they'd like to say. Grumpy, why don't you start?
Grumpy: Snow White, you've changed. You've become angry, irritable, and downright mean.
Snow White: Changed? And who are you to tell me I've changed?
Jiminy: Snow, please, these are your friends, and we're all here because we... we care about you. Who wants to go next?
Sneezy: Uh... You brought bales of... straw into the house last night even though you know that I'm a... Ah... Ah ... ( sneezes) Allergic.
Snow White: You are allergic to everything.
Happy: You broke my mug!
Snow White: You're lucky it wasn't that mug you call a face!
Happy: You are the worst, most nasty, horrible...
Grumpy: Enough! Look what you're doing to Happy. That potion you took... the one that erased the Prince from your mind... you haven't been the same since you drank it.
Snow White: That helped me forget whatever or whomever I needed to forget, and I am clearly better off for it. That potion was the solution, not the problem. The problem is that I'm living here, in a house full of dwarves instead of in my palace, with my father, as a princess, but I can't do that anymore, can I? Because he was murdered, murdered by the same woman who sent a huntsman to kill me!
Jiminy: Snow, your anger towards the Queen is understandable. It's just not fair to take it out on your friends.
Snow White: You're right. I should be taking it out on her.
Jiminy: Oh, wait. Revenge is not the answer. No, it's gonna change you. It'll turn you into something darker than you can imagine. You don't want to go there. (Snow White places a glass jar over Jiminy to silence him.)
Snow White: Good news, fellas. You can quit your complaining because I’m leaving. I have more important things to do.
Jiminy: Wait. Don’t go.
Grumpy: Snow. Wait. Where are you going? (Snow White picks up an axe.)
Snow White: To kill the Queen.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. The Sheriff Department. Emma guides Mary Margaret to the interrogation room. Regina Mills awaits them.

Regina: Hello Miss Blanchard.
Mary Margaret: (to Emma) What is she doing here?
Emma: She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that I stay impartial. It can only help you. (Emma and Mary Margaret sit down.)
Mary Margaret: I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything.
Emma: (switches on the tape recorder) The heart was found buried near the old Troll Bridge. It had been cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife. Have you ever been to that bridge before?
Mary Margaret: Yes, many times. It’s where David and I liked to meet.
Emma: (standing up) Mr. Nolan?
Mary Margaret: Yes.
Emma: And you met there for what purpose? (Emma opens a cabinet. Wearing examination gloves she takes out the jewelry box.)
Mary Margaret: We were having an affair. I’m not proud of what happened and I’m sorry. But that doesn’t change the fact that I did not kill Kathryn.
Emma: (places the jewelry box in front of Mary Margaret) Have you ever seen this before?
Mary Margaret: Yes, that’s my jewelry box.
Emma: That’s where we found the heart in.
Mary Margaret: Don’t you see what’s happening here. Someone stole that box and put the heart in it. I didn’t have anything to do with it. I’m innocent.
Regina: (takes Mary Margaret ’s hand) Miss Blanchard, it’s okay. I know what you’re going through. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. To be publicly humiliated. It put me in a very dark place. Changed me. I can only imagine what losing David Nolan did to you.
Mary Margaret: (withdraws her hand) But, I haven’t changed. I’m still the same person I’ve always been - a good person. I did not do this.
Emma: (to Regina) Can I speak to you in the hallway, please? (Both, Emma and Regina exit the room.) I told you to leave the questioning to me.
Regina: How do you know she didn’t do it? If that box was stolen from her as she claims, don’t you think there’d be signs of a break in? Well, you’re her roommate. Tell me, has there been a break in? She’s a woman who’s had her heart broken. And that (pauses) that can make you do unspeakable things.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. A black knight rides through the woods. Snow White hides behind a tee and watches him. Snow White is able to throw the Black Knight of his horse. She approaches her captive. The Black Knight groans. Using the blunt end of the pick axe, she hits the knight’s ankle.

Snow White: It’ll heal. Eventually.
Black Knight: What do you want?
Snow White: Information. Where’s the Queen?
Black Knight: Why would I tell you?
Snow White: (crouches down beside him) Do you know what a diamond is? It’s the strongest substance known to man or beast. Beautiful. Precious. Nearly impervious to destruction. Nearly. (showing him her axe) This is an axe from the dwarves’ mines|. It’s a special blade. It can, believe it, or not, actually cut a diamond. Imagine what it can do to human flesh. (The knight tries to crawl away) Soft, pliable, tender flesh. (Raising the axe Snow White intends to hit him again.)
Black Knight: (promptly speaking) She’s at her castle. But, only for the night. In the morning she leaves for the summer palace. Please! That’s all I know.
Snow White: That summer palace was build for my mother. (She knocks him out.)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Grumpy confronts Snow White who has stripped the Black Knight of his armor and weapons.''

Grumpy: What do you think you’re doing?
Snow White: I already told you. I’m going to kill the Queen.
Grumpy: By stealing the armor of a knight?
Snow White: Whatever I have to do to get into that castle. So, get out of my way. I have to get there before she departs.
Grumpy: Have you lost your mind? You really think this disguise is going to fool anybody?
Snow White: I’m getting in there. (She walks to the horse)
Grumpy: Listen to yourself. All you care about is revenge. You can’t even see reality anymore.
Snow White: What I don’t need, is to be lectured by a dwarf with a bad attitude.
Grumpy: I didn’t come here to lecture you. I came here to help you.
Snow White: Help me? How?
Grumpy: By taking you back to Rumpelstiltskin. He’s the one who gave you the potion in the first place – the one that took away all your memories of your Prince. If anyone can give them back to you, it’s him.
Snow White: I don’t want my memories back. That’s why I took the potion.
Grumpy: And it changed you. Maybe he can at least bring you back to the person you used to be. He’s the most powerful man in the world. He can do anything.
Snow White: Anything?
