Once Upon a Time Wiki
This page is move protected This article is a list page The subject of this article is involved with the Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is involved with Once Upon a Time in Wonderland The subject of this article is featured in Season One of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Two of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Three of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Four of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Five of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Six of Once Upon a Time The subject of this article is featured in Season Seven of Once Upon a Time

An Episode Title Card is the unique graphic used at or near the beginning of ABC's Once Upon a Time beginning with the second episode of the first season. One is also used near the beginning of every episode of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.

The Episode Title Cards feature a character, creature, location or item featured (or not) in the episode. This unique graphic appears under the Once Upon a Time title in the blue forest, the red forest, or in a Wonderland red and white chessboard surrounded by mushrooms and with a mountainous background, under the Once Upon a Time in Wonderland title.

View the title card gallery here.

Once Upon a Time

Season One

"Pilot" is the only episode of Season One to not feature a title card. It instead features four slides that set the premise for the series. The subsequent episodes and their featured item are listed below:

Season Two

Every episode of Season Two feature a title card tailored to the episode. Two images from Season One, that of Red Riding Hood and that of Rumplestiltskin's spinning wheel, have been reused, alongside twenty new slides.

Season Three

The majority of Season Three's title cards featured a slightly altered forest background, however, the reason for this has not been confirmed.

Season Four

Every title card of the first half of Season Four features the forest background with falling snow. The title card for "A Tale of Two Sisters" is the generic form of subsequent title cards until "Heroes and Villains".

Season Five

From "Souls of the Departed" to "Firebird", every title card features the forest background, but the color is red instead of blue to reflect the Underworld.

Season Six

Season Seven

Breaking from a traditional cut to the title card, the card zooms out from inside the "O" in "Once" to show the Seattle skyline in the background of the forest. The title card for "Hyperion Heights" is the generic form of subsequent title cards (except for "The Guardian", "Homecoming", and "Leaving Storybrooke").


From "Magic is Coming" to "Storybrooke Has Frozen Over", the specials used the traditional series title card format which feature the special's title beneath the Once Upon a Time logo. The title cards for "Wicked is Coming" and "Storybrooke Has Frozen Over" featured the generic form of the forest background used in the majority of Season Three's title cards.

Starting from "Evil Reigns Once More", the specials used a new specialized title card design with the special's title centred on-screen and a small Once Upon a Time logo above the special's title.

"Dark Swan Rises" used a unique design that does not follow either title card convention.


Promotional Title Cards

Several unique title cards have been used for televised promotional purposes for individual episodes and each Season Four onwards season/storyline. These have been paired with sneak previews and other promotional trailers for their respective season:

  • "Ariel": The Once Upon a Time logo underwater[1]
  • Season 4A: A snow-covered forest with a golden Once Upon a Time logo covered in ice[2]
  • Season 4B: A forest filled with overgrown grass and vines[3]
  • Season 5A: A black swan on a lake with Camelot Castle in the background[4]
  • Season 5A: A target[5]

Note: The title card with a target was only used at San Diego Comic-Con for Merida's promotion and has not been used for any other purposes.

Unused Title Cards

There are several title cards unused on-screen that have been released:

  • A white horse
  • A male and a female on horseback
  • Mulan
  • Aurora pricking her finger on a spinning wheel

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland


