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This page is the transcript for "Down the Rabbit Hole". Feel free to correct any errors. If you need any help, please see our policies.
"Once Upon a Time..."

SCENE: Victorian England. London. Past. In what seems to be a garden where a table set with toys has been overgrown with weeds. Suddenly a blast from the ground occurs. Out climbs a young Alice in a little blue dress appears from the hole.

Alice: Home. (She begins to run back to her house.) Father! Father! Father! (Alice arrives on her house doorstep.) Father! (She reaches her front door and tries the doorknob but it's locked. So she knocks vigorously.) Father! Father, it's me. Come on, father. (The door suddenly opens. A man appears.) You're never going to believe where I've been.
Alice's Father: Alice?
Alice: It all began with this white rabbit. And he wanted to take my hat and then I--
Alice's Father: Alice...Is that really you?
Alice: Who else would I be?
Alice's Father: You were gone...a very long time. We thought you were...
Alice: You thought I was, what?
Alice's Father: Dead.

SCENE: London, England. Past. Inside the house, Alice peeks through a keyhole to spy on her father and a doctor discussing what she said previously.

Dr. Lydgate: ...hookah smoking caterpillars, giant mushrooms.
Alice's Father: What do you think I am? A fool. Why would she lie?
Dr. Lydgate: Your child, she's delusional. She's delusional.
Alice's Father: She's making it up?
Dr. Lydgate: I can cure her of this.
Alice's Father: She isn't a liar.
Dr. Lydgate: She is a liar.
Alice: (To herself) I'm not a liar. It was real. And I'm going to prove it.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Nighttime. A mysterious man walks casually down the main street of the town during a storm. He dodges a passing yellow VW Bettle, while the driver, Emma, beeps her car at him. He heads to the diner as Ashley and Leroy are locking up the building.

Ashley: Looks like you closed down the joint again, Leroy. You're really gunning for that customer of the week plaque.
Leroy: It's win-win, Ashley. You get my mug on the wall, I finally get some-- (The man walks past the two, bumping into Ashley, and secretly swipes the diner key from her.) Whoa. Sorry, brother. Closing time.
Ashley: (To man) Yeah, looks like a storm's coming. You better find a place to keep dry. (She and Leroy walk away.)
Man: I'll get right on that. (The man swings the diner's key in his hand. He unlocks the diner and pours himself some coffee. He leaves money on the counter, but changes his mind and takes it back.
(Suddenly, the diner begins to shake and the floor explodes as a rabbit hole opens. The smoke clears to reveal the White Rabbit peering out.)
White Rabbit: There you are.
Man: Bloody hell! What are you doing here?
White Rabbit: I'll tell you on the way. We're late.
Man: I'm not interested in your important dates, Rabbit. Or your unimportant dates, for that matter.
White Rabbit: No, no, no, no. We're not late for something. We're late for someone.
Man: Who?
White Rabbit: Alice. She needs help. You're the Knave of Hearts. She needs you.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. Alice, lead by two attendants, walks down a long hall with patients. In a room, she is interrogated by three doctors.

Dr. Lydgate: Answer the question, please. (She doesn't respond.) Alice! Alice...
Alice: I don't remember.
Dr. Lydgate: Oh, I think you do. It's been a year now and you have been quite clear in your statements. An invisible cat, a hookah smoking caterpillar, food and drink capable of altering your physical form. A murderous Red Queen. And you encountered all these things by literally falling down a rabbit hole. Hearing it out loud, it all sounds quite preposterous, wouldn't you agree, Alice...
Alice: Yes.
Dr. Lydgate: Good. Just a few more questions and maybe this time we can send you home. Now when your father finally brought you to us, he was at his wits end. It wasn't just your multiple disappearances that had taken a toll, it was your ludicrous explanation. That you had been searching for proof of this place. This Wonderland. Where you had miraculous, strange and terrifying adventures. Do you still believe that to be true?

SCENE: Wonderland. Past. Alice hides under a mushroom as a caterpillar smokes above her. She pulls off a bit of mushroom and then runs off.

Caterpillar: Hey, that's mine! Give it back.
Soldier: Halt! She's heading into the maze! By order of the Queen, stop! Don't let her get away! She is going to the Queen's garden! After her!
(As Alice heads into the maze, she stops to bite into the mushroom and places the rest in her bag. While running, she shrinks into miniature form.)
Soldier: Where's the girl? Has anyone seen her? I thought she went this way. (Alice is tossed to the side as the soldiers run past her.)

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. The doctors continue asking Alice questions.

Dr. Lydgate: Alice? Alice. Alice!
Alice: No. It wasn't true. I never left England.
Dr. Lydgate: So you just made it all up. Why? For attention? Well, you certainly got it, didn't you? The question we have to answer today is, which is the real performance? A little girl with tales of tea parties and barbaric queens. Or the young lady who says it was just her imagination.
Alice: That little girl was a fool.
Dr. Lydgate: And the lady?
Alice: She knows what really happened.

SCENE: Wonderland. Past. Wonderland Maze. Alice picks herself up from the ground and decides to hide in a bottle that lays by the side of the path.

Man in the Bottle: What are you doing in my bottle?! (He turns on a lantern)
Alice: Turn me in and I get big! (She takes a red liquid in a bottle from her satchel.) Right here, right now I'll burst your house into a million shiny pieces.
Man in the Bottle: We wouldn't want that now, would we? A good bottle is so hard to find these days. My name is Cyrus. My home is your home.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. The doctors continue asking Alice questions.

Dr. Lydgate: When you finally resurfaced, you claimed to be in this Wonderland. Can you tell us where you really were?
Alice: With a friend.
Dr. Lydgate: Where?

SCENE: Wonderland. Past. Inside the bottle, Alice and Cyrus quickly become acquainted.

Alice: Agrabah sounds beautiful.
Cyrus: I hope one day to see it again. What place do you call home?
Alice: England. Although it hasn't exactly felt like home, lately.
Cyrus: So we're both strangers in this most strange land.
Alice: Strange is one word for it.
Cyrus: Wondrous.
Alice: Dangerous.
Cyrus: I sense that you can take care of yourself. (Alice giggles.) And you have to go back to your land soon?
Alice: Well, I do have what I came for.
Cyrus: Which is what?
Alice: Proof that all of this is real. (She pulls out the White Rabbit out of her bag.)
White Rabbit: Proof? You want proof. Come here and I'll give you proof.
Cyrus: A talking white rabbit with a jacket and trousers.
Alice: No one can say I imagined that.
Cyrus: Yes, that much is said. So tell me Alice, who is this proof for? You've risked much to come back here. Is it...a husband?
Alice: No. It's no one like that.
Cyrus: Good.
Alice: Good?
Cyrus: I-I just mean that you're not separated from your love. That would be a terrible fate.
Alice: Yes, that would. The proof is for my father. He thinks I'm insane.
Cyrus: Really? So you're risking your life for someone who doesn't believe in you. You know, when you really love someone you don't need proof. You can feel it.
Alice: Maybe where you're from. But in my land I'd wish things would...
Cyrus: You'd wish things would what? You found my bottle, Alice. Anything is possible. Mistress mine. My will is thine. Tell me your wishes three.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. The doctors continue the interview with Alice.

Dr. Lydgate: Alice, if you wish to be released from this facility you need to--
Alice: I don't wish for anything!
Dr. Lydgate: Does this have to do something with the genie you believed you met? You told your father that you set him free. That the two of you traveled from world to world. Fighting pirates, swimming with mermaids. And then, men and women being what they are, you fell in love. Are you ready to admit that was a lie as well?

SCENE: Wonderland. Past. Alice and Cyrus are enjoying the scenery atop of a cliff looking over the Boiling Sea.

Alice: Curiouser, Curiouser. I've heard of the Boiling Sea but in person, it's even more amazing.
Cyrus: As are you. (Alice nearly slips, but he catches her.) Be careful. I never met a human quite like you, Alice.
Alice: I never met a genie quite like you. Well, actually I've never met a genie.
Cyrus: Okay. (Alice is confused.) Oh, forgive me, I'm not used to-– I was always the one granting the wishes not making them.
Alice: Making them? What?
Cyrus: For one hundred years I was tethered to a bottle. A slave to the faulty dreams of man and all that time I only had one wish: To never be a prisoner ever again. But now, I have another. Oh, wait I think the people in your world do this down on one knee-–
Alice: Yes!
Cyrus: What?
Alice: Yes, yes! I will.
Cyrus: Oh, but I had a whole speech. It was charming and eloquent and it had–
(Alice pulls Cyrus up from the ground and they kiss. Then Cyrus’ talisman begins to glow.)
Cyrus: Our hearts are entwined. From now on I will know when you are near. And you will know. (They hear marching in the distance.) Alice, run!

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. The interview goes on.

Dr. Lydgate: When your father found you, you were inconsolable. You said the love of your life was gone. Murdered by some-
Alice: No. It's not what I said.
Dr. Lydgate: Alice, you were an ignored little girl who wanted to be loved so you created a fantasy land full of characters who would help you become who you wanted to be. Tall, brave, beautiful. You wouldn't be the first child to do this. You're just the first to grow up and still believe it was real.
Alice: No... I don't believe it anymore.
Dr. Lydgate: We know you're lying. You still cry out for him in your sleep.
Alice: What?
Dr. Lydgate: In your sleep. Every night, it's the same. You cry out for Cyrus.

SCENE: Wonderland. Past. At the cliff of the Boiling Sea, soldiers corner the lovers. Alice and Cyrus take out their weapons ready to fight. Behind the soldiers, Red Queen steps into view.

Red Queen: Sorry to interrupt. (Cyrus and Alice battle the soldiers, but there's too many of them and they are overcome. While Alice is forced down to the ground by some of the soldiers, others begin dragging Cyrus away.) Mind if I borrow him?
Alice: Cyrus! No, Cyrus!
Cyrus: Alice! (He breaks free and fights off the soldiers holding down Alice. Then, the Queen with a wave of her hand, magically pushes him over the cliff-edge.)
Red Queen: Oops.
Alice: Cyrus! (She crawls over to glimpse Cyrus falling past the smoke into the Boiling Sea as his necklace glows and disappears out of sight with him.) Cyrus.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. The interview continues.

Dr. Lydgate: Alice. We have a new procedure that can take away your pain. Make you forget whatever, or whomever you're holding onto. One treatment and it all just slips away.
Alice: Does it hurt?
Dr. Lydgate: A little. But far less than the pain you're in right now (Dr. Lydgate passes Alice a pen and a clipboard.) Just sign here. (Alice signs.) Good girl. Now go get some sleep. Tomorrow you life begins anew.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Bethlem Asylum. Alice is lying on her bed in a padded room calling out for Cyrus as she sleeps. It then transitions to the procedure room with a table full of conspicuous instrument. Dr. Lydgate picks up a drill to turn it on.)

Dr. Lydgate: It's time. Fetch the girl.

SCENE: London, England. Present. Alice's cell room. Alice awakens and sits up believing she heard something. Silence. She lies back down. Suddenly, the door lock rattles.

Alice: Would you at least give me time to get dressed? (Alice is surprised to see who it is. It's the Knave of Hearts.) You!
Knave: "You?!" That's what I get. "You?" Well, nice to see you too, Alice.
Alice: What are you doing here?
Knave: Right, come now. We have to go
Alice: Go? No, you're not real.
Knave: Oh, I'm very real. And we must leave now. I've cleared some of the guards so we should be able to get out.
Alice: No, I can't. I can't.
Knave: Alice, you need to listen to me.
Alice: No, I'm not going anywhere.
Knave: Why must you always be so bloody stubborn?
Guard: There he is. (Guards grab Knave. One goes for Alice.)
Alice: Hey, I didn't do anything.
Knave: It's true. I mean if she'd be a least bit helpful, we'd be gone by now. Ow! (The guards restrain him.)
Alice: Get him out of here.
Knave: Alice, no! You know me. Remember.
Alice: I don't want to remember. I want to forget.
Knave: Alice, listen to me.
Alice: No!
Knave: He's alive! The Rabbit saw him. Cyrus! He's alive.
Alice: That's impossible.
Knave: You know as well as I do, Alice. Nothing is impossible in Wonderland. (One of the guards punches Knave in the stomach. The other helps out but Alice attacks him and fends off all the guards, while Knave watches.)
Alice: Was that you're idea of a rescue?
Knave: It was supposed to be more of a message-delivery type situation. I wasn't planning to- (Alice runs ahead.) Right, let's go then.
White Rabbit: You're late. What a surprise.
Alice: To you, everybody's late.
White Rabbit: True. I do have high standards. Nice world you got here. What the hell is this stuff? It's pretty hard on the paws.
(Some guards run pass a hallway followed by Dr. Lydgate who spots Alice.)
Dr. Lydgate:Alice! Stop. Don't do this. I can help you to get better. (The White Rabbit walks out from behind the wall.)
White Rabbit: Are we really going to stand here and listen to this guy? (The doctor just stands in shock.)
Alice: Seeing things, doctor? I hear there's a procedure for that. (The trio run out of the asylum into the city.)
Alice: What do we do now?
Knave: We run. (They run through the city pushing people and things out of the way as police officers chase them down.)
White Rabbit: Look out. Out of the way!
Police Officer: Out of my way. (They run into an alleyway, but it's a dead end.)
White Rabbit: Oh, no.
Knave: We'll be finished, for sure.
Alice: No, we won't.
Knave: They're coming.
Alice: Rabbit?!
White Rabbit: Here? Couldn't we find somewhere with softer ground, like a field?
Alice & Knave: Dig!
White Rabbit: Alright. (The Rabbit draws a rabbit hole on the wall and opens a portal to Wonderland.) Here goes. (He jumps in.)
Alice: (To Knave) What are you waiting for?
Knave: Alice, I didn't exactly leave that place on good terms.
Alice: Neither did I but if Cyrus is--
Knave: Then you have to go, not me! (Alice marches up to the Knave.)
Alice: Listen, Knave. Once, long ago, I got you back your heart. Now, you need to help me get back mine. (The police officers draw closer.) Or you could take your chances with them.
Knave: Bloody hell. Alright, then. Next stop, Wonderland! (Holding hands, Alice and the Knave jump into the portal.)

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Mallow Marsh. The White Rabbit lands upon the dock while Alice and Knave land on the soft marsh and bounce a bit until they find their balance. There are dragonflies soaring around above in the air.

White Rabbit: Hm, humans.
Knave: I hate...this bloody...place!
Alice: Careful, Knave. We've landed in the Mallow Marsh.
Knave: Of course, we did. Because a pond made out dessert topping makes perfect sense.
White Rabbit: Come on! Shake a leg. Shake two legs. (Rabbit laughs. Alice and Knave walk towards the dock.) Ugh, what a mess.
Alice: Okay, Rabbit. Where's Cyrus? Tell us where you saw him.
White Rabbit: Well, I didn't exactly see him. (To Knave) Did you tell her I saw him?
Knave: That is what you said.
White Rabbit: Well, it was a figure of speech.
Knave: Nope! I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
White Rabbit: What I meant was I was having tea with the Dormouse and he said that he saw him.
Knave: So we came all the way here on the word of a narcoleptic rodent.
Alice: Ignore him, Rabbit. Go on.
White Rabbit: He said Cyrus was at the Mad Hatter's old place. It's abandoned. The Hatter, he hasn't been in Wonderland for quite some time.
Knave: And he ain't never coming back! He's found himself a nice little life back in a place where I was making mine. A place I might add, where the dragonflies aren't actually dragons! Rabbit, are you getting taller?
White Rabbit: Quite possibly. That kind of thing happens quite a lot around here.
Knave: We're sinking. (Knave tries to loosen himself from the marsh.) I can't move me feet.
Alice: Rabbit, where is it? Where's the Hatter's house?
White Rabbit: Where else? The Tulgey Woods.
Alice: Knave, we need to get out of here.
Knave: (Sarcastically.) Really?
White Rabbit: Ah, everything's gonna be fine. I'll just, ah, ah, ah. I'll go get help. Don't worry! Everything's gonna work out just fine.
Alice: Stop moving! We'll just sink faster.
Knave: Oh, because a slow death is so much more pleasant. This is humiliating. I'm gonna die like a bloody s'more.
Alice: A what?
Knave: It's biscuits and chocolate and you get toasted marshmallow—nevermind. The point is we're gonna die.
Alice: Knave, that's brilliant! (Alice grabs one of the dragonflies flitting around and squeezes the creature into spitting out a breath of fire onto the marsh.)
Knave: What the bloody hell are you doing?
Alice: I'm making a sore.
Knave: S'mores!
Alice: Whatever.
Knave: I'm starting to think you were in the nutter for a reason.
Alice: See. (She lets the dragonfly go. The marsh has became solid enough to walk upon.) Come on. (She grabs the Knave's hand and they pull each other out.)
(Moments later, they're cleaning themselves up.)
Knave: Where's that Rabbit? (He whacks his jacket on the side of the deck to get the marshmallow off.) It's getting late and I'm planning on sleeping in me own bed tonight.
Alice: You can't leave. We haven't found Cyrus--
Knave: Cyrus. Exactly. You heard what the Rabbit said, he never even saw him. If I'd known that I wouldn't have done any of this. I mean, for all we know he isn't even alive.
Alice: What if he is?
Knave: Alice. I left Wonderland because I did a lot of bad things here. A lot of people want to see me dead. They have their reasons. And to be honest, they're good reasons. I left this place for a future I'm quite keen to see. And you want me to risk all that for a hunch. (He walks away.)
Alice: I can pay you. (Knave returns.)
Knave: How? You don't have anything to pay me, Alice.
Alice: That's not entirely true. I have something better than money. (She twists the heel of her shoe to reveal a hidden compartment and takes something out.) Wishes. (Holds three tiny red diamond shaped jewels in the palm of her hand)
Knave: I don't get it. Why don't you just use them to bring Cyrus back?
Alice: Wishes can be... unpredictable. If I use one to bring Cyrus back, he might arrive...hanging from a tree with a noose around his neck. See, with wishes sometimes there's literally a string attached.
Knave: Then one just has to be careful what they wish for. Make it consequence proof. Yeah, I can do that.
Alice: So does that mean you'll stay?
Knave: We find Cyrus, I get a wish. Anything I want.
Alice: Just get me to Tulgey Woods. (Alice returns the wishes into her shoe heel.)
Knave: You're ready to believe the Rabbit, then?
Alice: I know you have your doubts, but yes, I believe the Rabbit.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. In the woods, the White Rabbit continues to run until he stops to see some familiar figures. The Red Queen's soldiers. They all step to the side to make way for the Queen to exit from her carriage with the assistance of Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

White Rabbit: Oh no.
Soldier: There you are, Rabbit. (The soldier picks him up by the ears.)
White Rabbit: Oh, my ears. Argh. (The soldier presents him before the Queen.) Your Majesty, I can explain.
Red Queen: You're late.
White Rabbit: I know, I know. I-I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I could. (The Red Queen smiles.)

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Wonderland Castle. The Red Queen and the Rabbit sit round a table full of treats.

Red Queen: So you told Alice what you heard?
White Rabbit: Yes, that Cyrus was alive. Is he?
Red Queen: I'll be the one asking questions.
White Rabbit: Ah, right, right. So this makes us all square then. You said if I got her here then I-I'd get--
Red Queen: I said, we'll settle when the game was complete. We are still setting up the board. Now, as for your friend, Alice, I need you to report everything she does. Where she goes. Who she talks to. What she is thinking. I need more than my eyes, I need your ears. And you will either help me, darling... or decorate this room. Understood? (He nods.)
White Rabbit: (Sobbingly) Yes, your Majesty.
Red Queen: Now leave. (He leaves, sobbing.)

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Alice and Knave near the border of Tugley Woods.

Alice: The Tulgey Woods. The Hatter's place is on the other side.
Knave: Aren't you worried this is all a trap?
Alice: If there's a chance that Cyrus is alive... we have to take it. (Alice grabs a long stick from nearby bushes.) Right, let's go.
Knave: The Red Queen. You said it was also her who threw Cyrus into the Boiling Sea. Why would she do that?
Alice: I don't know. But I would love to ask her. And see the look on her face when she realizes I'm not the forgiving sort. Particularly when said face meets this branch, repeatedly.
Knave: That doesn't sound like you.
Alice: My doctor said I'm a danger to myself and to others.
Knave: Ah, you can't believe everything you read now.
Alice: I don't. In fact, when I thought Cyrus was dead, I stopped believing in much of anything.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Wonderland castle. A suspicious breeze opens the doors that lead to the balcony. The Red Queen heads outside.

Mysterious Man: Well?
Red Queen: She's back.
Mysterious Man: And what is the girl doing now?
Red Queen: Looking for her genie, of course. Isn't that what we wanted, Jafar? (The mysterious man steps off the railing and approaches the Red Queen with his serpent staff in hand. The eyes of the staff glow red as Jafar steps into the light.)
Jafar: What we want can't be accomplished until we have the genie's bottle. And the girl's made all her wishes. So, I'd say perhaps you shouldn't be so pleased with yourself.
Red Queen:Do not talk down to me, Jafar. I'm the queen.
Jafar: That's the thing about power... it can be so fleeting.
Red Queen: (Scoffs.) Is that a threat?
Jafar: No. Threats are for people who aren't prepared to act. (Jafar hits his staff upon the ground, activating its red eyes)
Red Queen: Wait...you need me.
Jafar: Not anymore.
Red Queen: But I did what you could not. I-I brought Alice back to Wonderland.
Jafar: Which means your work and your usefulness to me is done. I'll take it from here. (Jafar begins to magically strangle the Red Queen.)
Red Queen: You don't know...where she is? Do you? (Jafar lets go of his grasp. The Red Queen catches her breath and begins to snicker.) That's right, you don't. Now you're not in Agrabah anymore, darling. This is my world. Which means only I know exactly where she is. Only I know exactly where she's going. So if you want my help, yes, our deal remains. I will get you those wishes.
Jafar: In return for what, exactly?
Red Queen: All in due time. So why don't you get on your raggedy carpet of yours and fly away. And let me take care of Alice!
Jafar: For your sake, I hope you do. (Jafar steps onto the railing then onto the magic carpet. And flies away as the Red Queen looks on worriedly.)

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Tulgey Woods. Alice and Knave continue on their journey towards the Hatter's house.

Alice: We've been walking forever. We should be at the Hatter's house by now.
Knave: (Spots a wanted poster of himself) Oh, bloody hell.
Alice: What exactly did you do after I left?
Knave: Don't ask. (He pulls the poster down.) Now which way.
Alice: Up. I'm tired of wandering around. We need a different point of view.
Knave: What d'you mean?
Alice: If I get high enough I can see the Hatter's house. Enough of these. (She takes off her shoes and ascends the tree. Knave eyes the shoes temptingly and snatches them while running off. Alice walks along a long branch to the end.) I can see it! The Hatter's place. It's not that far. Knave? Will! (She can't find the Knave and suspects the worst. Alice then hears a purring.)
(A wide grin and beady red eyes in the bush reveals itself as the Cheshire Cat. She tries to run away, but the cat jumps in front of her.)
Alice: Cheshire. It's you. You gave me a fright. Chesh? You remember me, right? It's Alice.
Cheshire Cat: Yes, I remember.
Alice: You look... different.
Cheshire Cat: Everything does, doesn't it? Wonderland has grown stranger. I'm stranger, you're stranger. Together we are... strangers.
Alice: Well then, how do you do? Now that we're friends again, you wouldn't want eat a friend now, would you?
Cheshire Cat: Mmm, certainly not without pepper. The pickings are slimmer these days. These woods used to be full of food. But now the only thing it's full of is you.
(Cheshire leaps and Alice jumps and grabs a nearby branch but slips and falls to the ground. He leaps down and just misses Alice as she quickly gets up. Cheshire swings at Alice but she dodges with a flip. Cheshire pushes her against the tree. Alice falls to the ground, grabs her stick and swings at the cat. Cheshire spins and knocks Alice over with his tail. Cheshire pins Alice down.)
Cheshire Cat: The Red Queen promised you'd be the sweetest meat that I've ever tasted. Let's see, shall we?
(Knave jumps on the cat's tail, then tears a piece off a nearby mushroom and throws it at the cat's mouth as he leaps at him. Cheshire shrinks to the size of a regular house cat.)
Knave: Now then, go pick on somebody your own size. (The cat scurries away.)
Alice: I can't believe it. You! You were--
Knave: Brave, daring?
Alice: Stealing my wishes.
Knave: Oh, that. I think maybe you misunderstand. I was just protecting the wishes.
Alice: You expect me to believe that?
Knave: Not really, no. But can we focus on the part where I came back and saved your life.
Alice: You know you can't steal a wish. It has to be granted. (She sticks out her hand.)
Knave: Of course I did. Everybody knows that. (He hands over the wishes with Alice's shoes.) Let's go get Cyrus. (They continue towards the Hatter's house.)
Alice: Knave! Over there. (Alice begins to run towards the house.) Hurry. Cyrus. (She stops to see a clearing.) The Hatter's house. Cyrus. (She runs towards the house with Knave following behind.) Cyrus! Cyrus! (They arrive at the house. Alice enters and looks around.) Cyrus? I'm here.
Knave: Alice...
Alice: He must be here. It's too dark to tell. Or maybe he's sleeping or something.
White Rabbit: Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over. I showed up with a whole troop to pull you out of that marsh but you were gone.
Knave: It's okay, Rabbit. Just dig us back home. Cyrus ain't here.
Alice: No, he must be here.
Knave: Alice. Alice! I'm sorry, but he's not here. And as far as I can tell, he never was.
White Rabbit: May I be—Maybe the Dormouse named the wrong house--
Knave: Rabbit! Enough. If Cyrus were here, wouldn't he have shown himself by now?
Alice: So he really is gone.
Knave: Alice...
(Alice walks out of the house and begins to cry. Then she notices something on the ground.)
Knave: (To the White Rabbit.) You made her lose Cyrus twice. Why would you do that?
Alice: Will, Rabbit! Come quickly! (Alice picks up Cyrus' necklace and it's glowing.)
Alice: I found this. It was Cyrus'.
White Rabbit: Where did you get that?
Alice: It was just here in the grass.
White Rabbit: He's alive. Nothing could survive the Boiling Sea. If it survived so did he.
Knave: Alice, that necklace is magic. That's why it survived. The guy wearing it, he was just flesh and blood. He's gone. I'm sorry. Now let's get out of here. The rabbit can dig his hole. You can make a new life and meet somebody else.
Alice: No.
Knave: No?!
Alice: I'm not going.
Knave: Alice, this isn't the time to be stubborn.
Alice: I'm not being stubborn.
Knave: Yes, you are!
Alice: If you want to leave, leave. But I'm staying.
Knave: Because of a necklace.
Alice: Because he's here.
Knave: But you have no proof.
Alice: When you really love someone, you don't need proof. You can feel it. He's here. I'm going to find him. The only question is, are you coming with me?
Knave: I was afraid you were going to ask me that.
Alice: Is that a yes?
Knave: Oh, bloody hell. Come on, then.

SCENE: Wonderland. Present. Cyrus is being held captive in a cage hanging in a dungeon.

Cyrus: (Awakening) Alice...
(Through a recollection, Cyrus recalls what actually happened after falling down the cliff of the Boiling Sea. Instead of dropping to his death, he is saved by Jafar's magic carpet.)
(Back in the present, Jafar enters the lair walking towards Cyrus cage. Jafar stops and smiles. In the distance Alice, Knave and the White Rabbit are on their journey in search of Cyrus.)
