Charmings vs. Evil Queen is een lied uit Once Upon a Time.
- Sneeuwwitje & Droomprins
- There's a powerful magic
- When two hearts are one
- A powerful magic
- Bright as the sun
- Goodness will triumph, and evil's undone
- When you dare to heed love's call
- Cause love is the most powerful magic of all
- Boze Koningin
- Down with love, down with hope
- Don't need blind faith to cope
- Or inspiring songs in my heart
- Got the magic I need
- For my darkest of deeds
- Love at times can entrance
- But love doesn't stand a chance
- No, no, love doesn't stand a chance
- Sneeuwwitje & Droomprins
- It's a powerful magic
- When two voices soar
- We're ever more hopeful
- For what lies in store
- Boze Koningin
- Once I loved and once I learned
- Love is weakness
- Love will leave you burned
- Boze Koningin
- Got you where I want you now
- Your spell will soon be broken
- Let us see how strong you are
- When everything is spoken